• ISEE Systems RCA piece

    ISEE Systems RCA piece

    We have been approached by ISEE Systems, the developer of the Stella modelling software, to work with them on a piece about the way in which we have used the platform. Here is the piece they put up in their collection of case studies, based on an extended online account we provided them with. We…

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  • Paying the poor a stipend

    Here’s an interesting case study from the US.  It follows a group of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, who were living below the poverty line.  A group of these families was provided with supplementary income, administered through their group and with no strings attached.

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  • Independent advocacy: talk

    Here is a presentation on a number of different aspects of independent advocacy given by David Donnison, one of the foremost international researchers, practitioners and writers in the field.  

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  • Rural sourcing: US approaches to supporting rural youth

    US country towns are nothing if not entrepreneurial in their approach to supporting their young people economically. Here is a report on a range of measures being used by local government.  These programs are being called ‘rural sourcing’. Approaches include matching graduates with rural jobs, and incentivising entrepreneurship with tax credits and office space, even…

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  • Rural Microbusiness Financing Study

    Rural Microbusiness Financing Study

      Microbusinesses are powerful, cost-effective drivers of robust and stable local economic development in rural communities. We need to know a lot more about successful models and success factors in financing rural microbusiness in Australia.  There is an urgent need for research into models of rural microbusiness financing. In this project, a study of the…

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  • Workforce Inclusion Project, Mount Gambier

    Workforce Inclusion Project, Mount Gambier

      WORKFORCE INCLUSION IN MOUNT GAMBIER: A COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH PROJECT The Challenge Mount Gambier is the second largest city in South Australia. It has a population of approximately 26,000.  Employment statistics show a clear trend to decreasing full-time employment in the region. There are two main disadvantaged groups. Disengaged youth (15-24): Over 12% are not studying,…

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